We are pleased to be offering FREE 'Stay & Play' sessions every Friday, 10-10:45am. Call for more details !

Church Hill
Children from
9 months+
All funding
Pre-school room
FREE Stay & Play sessions
Local trips

'Children feel exceptionally secure and show high levels of well-being. They form very close bonds with their key person. This is because staff give children's wellbeing high priority. ' - Ofsted Outstanding 2020
Why Church Hill?
Our Outstanding Nursery at St Paul’s, Church Hill offers a unique nursery experience for children from 9 months until they move onto school. Open from 8.30am – 3pm, our popular site offers full or half day sessions.
The Nursery is split into the 'big' and 'small' hall, details of which are below.​
Small Hall
Children begin their nursery journey in our nurturing, homely small hall. They are introduced to the nursery routine and settled into nursery life by our experienced practitioners who plan a variety of stimulating experiences which support the settling in process. In this safe, caring environment we value high quality interactions with children, focusing on their personal development and using ‘in the moment’ planning, regular observations and communication with parents to create activities that engage and focus children enabling them to build foundations for future learning.
The small hall opens out onto a stimulating outdoor learning space and we encourage free-flow play into the garden area. The outdoor space is fully equipped with a play house, a range of sensory flower tubs, physical play that supports gross motor development, a mud kitchen and UV canopy which makes exploring the outdoors accessible in all weathers.
Our ethos advocates enabling environments, supporting children in selecting open ended and quite often, natural resources to support their play. They develop an understanding of how to choose the resources they would like, share them with their friends and tidy up at the end of the sessions.
Throughout the session, children can freely come to our snack bar, snack is an integral part of the day and learning experience. We foster independence from early on, modelling and guiding children to serve their own snack, pour their own drink and wash their own hands. Making healthy choices and eating a variety of foods is at the heart of everything we do, including regular cooking experiences.
In our small hall, we believe it is paramount to develop the characteristics of effective learning, focusing on activities that enable them to explore, play and think, developing confidence and self-esteem in order lay the foundation for their progression into the bigger hall and later onto school.
Big Hall
Our Big Hall provides an engaging environment, supporting all the areas of learning and giving children opportunities that will enable them to think critically, explore independently, take risk and develop language.
We continue to plan spontaneously from children’s interests and next steps, alongside carefully planned focus activities and weeks, that aim to support children’s progress, narrow gaps in their development and prepare them for the next stage of learning.
Being perceptive educators at Leapfrog, we recognise the impact of children’s surroundings on their well-being and development. Therefore, we embrace being a pack away setting; our highly skilled practitioners create wonderful environments and exciting opportunities each day, from a blank canvas, so we have a room that invites children to feel safe whilst experiencing awe and wonder. There are endless opportunities to learn at every turn and all areas of learning are reinforced through ‘purposeful play’.
Big hall garden encourages healthy and active fun. They too, can be set up differently every day and is a wonderful area with lots of opportunities to either climb, cycle, or enjoy sand and water play.
We have very strong links with primary schools in the surrounding area and work closely with our parents throughout the year, through parent workshops, parents evenings, school application talks, Story Cafes and Key worker coffee mornings to name but a few.